Thumb Personality Test: Way You Cross Your Thumbs Reveals Your Personality

1 year ago
How do you cross your thumbs? Do you cross your left thumb on top? Or Both thumbs aligned? Or Right thumb on top? Know your true personality traits based on the way you cross your thumbs.

Thumb Personality Test: What your thumb tells about you? Do you cross your left thumb on top? Or Both thumbs aligned? Or Right thumb on top? Today, we will explore the link between the thumb crossing style and personality. Know your true personality traits based on the way you cross your thumbs.
Personality Tests are a super tool to learn about yourself, your likes or dislikes, preferences, how you think, gauge your emotional intelligence, and also your IQ levels. These tests are designed scientifically to pry deep into your psychological makeup, and emotional and rational thought processes, and ascertain those deep, hidden personality traits that we often suppress over the years since our birth. Owning yourself and being your true you is vital to becoming a success. Most often we forget what our passion is, what we should be doing rather than what we are doing. Add to that, finding your true tribe and people who will stick by you during not only your good times but also bad times is also an added bonus. But, when we are not true to ourselves and lose sight of our uniqueness, we often end up feeling more drained and lost. Hence, we bring these personality tests to help find the true you so that you can live the highest version of yourself in your work, friendships, relationships, family, and overall journey of life.
Let’s get to the fun part. Intertwine your fingers and see how you cross your thumb. Check out below personality traits for different styles of crossing thumbs.
Thumb Personality Test: What does your thumb say about your personality?
#1 Left Thumb on Top
If you place your left thumb on top, your personality traits reveal that you lead a life with a practical approach. You tend to use your logic more than feelings. You are a ‘head over heart’ kind of person. You do not let emotions decide your course of action. This does not mean that you are not sentimental but when it comes to taking a decision, you will look at the facts and figures. You are usually chill and calm. You do not make decisions in haste. You will consider all options carefully and look at all sides of a matter. You will take every little detail into account to be able to come to the best conclusion possible. Your friends and family may tell you that you are a reliable, responsible, and resourceful person. You may also be very good at detecting lies. You can see through the behaviors and words of people. You are highly intelligent due to your curiosity to learn things, and new concepts, and explore life. You are quick-witted. You are also very fun to be around, especially when you let your guard down. Though you may be a logical person, you still have a great sense of humor. You can make even a sad person laugh. You are also very wise and know exactly the right things to say at the right moment. You like a partner who can engage in mentally stimulating conversation.

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