Our Gut Holds 70% of Our Immune System

1 year ago



write to Susanne at superiorhealthsolution@gmail.com

All my clients who were in pain had an imbalanced gut with lots of bad gut bacteria.

If you feel sluggish or run down and suffer from other health issues such as digestive issues (bloating, wind, constipation), food intolerances, skin rashes, swelling of limbs, brain fog, chronic pain, weight gain, mood swings, feeling moody or anxious etc., this basically means that the cause of your issues is almost certainly your gut due to an imbalance in the gut microbiome including bad bacterial and fungal overgrowth and potentially also some parasites particularly if you have a pet.

These pathogens create endotoxins that can cause inflammation in the body which can lead to all kinds of chronic health issues and auto-immune disorders including MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and so on.

In addition to that the body is then more exposed to other viral and bacterial infections.

What few people know is that the gut is actually key to our immune system.

Did you know this about your gut?!

👉Did you know your gut holds 70% of your immune system? If you want to boost your immune function, you have to FUEL YOUR GUT with gut-loving and immune-boosting foods and pre- as well as probiotics.

Your gut microbiome, which is made up of billions of bacteria🦠 (beneficial & harmful kinds), can influence NUMEROUS processes throughout your body. When your gut microbiome is in balance, these functions run optimally👍🏻

👉Your gut-brain axis allows your gut to communicate with your brain through your vagus nerve. If one of them is unhealthy, the other is going to feel it. Hence people with an imbalanced gut microbiome tend to be very anxious or even suffer from depression.

The majority of your serotonin (happy hormone) is produced in your gut. This is why people with an imbalanced gut may experience anxiety and brain fog as a consequence.

👉However, that’s not all. Melatonin, which supports quality sleep and is a majority antioxidant for your brain, is produced in your gut too!

👉A healthy gut microbiome also allows for vitamins and minerals to be absorbed and utilised by your body.

If your gut has an imbalance of good to bad gut bacteria, there won't be enough beneficial bacteria around to absorb vital nutrients, especially those B Vitamins!

A good analogy I can give are your teeth. You most likely take good care of your teeth and brush them on a regular basis to avoid a plaque and cavities.

You obviously cannot brush your gut, but you can take good care of it by cleansing it on a regular basis and more importantly by eating the right foods.

You certainly do not want large cavities in your intestinal lining or something called leaky gut - which is what I had - which can then lead to many secondary health and long-term chronic health issues including pain.

If you suffer from pain it is of utmost importance to cut out key inflammatory foods such as dairy and gluten. This leads me to the next slideshow.

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