'I've never experienced this level of division in Canada before'

1 year ago

Tara Henley is a writer and podcaster based in Toronto, and the author of "Lean Out: A Meditation on the Madness of Modern Life." She worked for the CBC for the better part of a decade before resigning in January, penning an open letter saying the broadcaster "went from being a trusted source of news to churning out clickbait that reads like a parody of the student press" and that, "To work at the CBC in the current climate is to embrace cognitive dissonance and to abandon journalistic integrity."

I spoke with Tara about the problems with Canada's national broadcaster, the CBC, the state of free speech in Canada, Justin Trudeau's impact on the country, what she learned from doing hip hop journalism, and how Canadian media has gone wrong.

Tara's letter: https://tarahenley.substack.com/p/speaking-freely
Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaraRHenley
Tara on Substack: https://tarahenley.substack.com/
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