Best way to preserve food for long term storage: Freeze drying

2 years ago

If your garden yields you with lots of fruits and vegetables but you don’t want to see them go to waste, one option is to freeze dry your food. Freeze drying is the best way to preserve your food in order to eliminate food waste and to preserve it for a longer period of time.

Some benefits include:

- Nutritional value isn’t compromised: Freeze drying allows for preservation without compromising on nutritional value

- Natural taste: No need for additives, therefore you retain the all natural food taste

- No change in appearance, texture or smell: Freeze drying is a gentle process, therefore the food retains its structure, taste, texture, smell and nutritional content

- Long lasting: Freeze dried foods are considered to be shelf stable for 15-30 years

- Convenience: These freeze dried foods can be used the same day without the need to go through a growing season

Let us know in the comments what fruits and vegetables you have freeze dried before

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