The Planes were Drones' 9-11 Theory- Con Men Podcast #38

1 year ago

It is September 11th week, and that means we are going to get into a wild 9-11 theory. For this episode we talked about the "Drone-Theory". In this theory, Sean and Adam discuss the possibility that some of the planes that were involved in the 9-11 attacks were actually unmanned drones. The plan was drawn up decades ago when Operation Northwoods was being discussed. That document explains how to carry out a false flag, and using an unmanned drone was discussed in the document! We also discussed the fake cell phone calls that were supposedly coming from passengers that were inside the hijacked airplanes.

#911 #september11 #drones #letsroll #flight93 #flight77 #pentagon #worldtradecenter #clevelandairporttheory

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Special Thanks to Mr. Charles Elliott for allowing us to use his song for the intro. Check out his music here on Spotify

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