Pleading and Prophecy (Daniel 9:16-25)

1 year ago

By Cornel Rasor, Pastor | Oct 2, 2022 | Daniel | Adult Sunday School
Description: Daniel's supplication and the introduction to the 70 weeks prophecy. Daniel finishes his prayer with A request and is interrupted by Gabriel who brings information from Yahweh regarding the near future and the far future of Israel and the world.
Daniel 9:16-25 NASB - Lord, in accordance with all Your righteous acts, let now Your anger and Your wrath turn away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; for because of our sins and the wrongdoings of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people have become an object of taunting to all those around us. So now, our God, listen to the prayer of Your servant and to his pleas, and for Your sake, Lord, let Your face shine on Your desolate sanctuary. My God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our…URL:

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