Thumbs down with Youri Smouter: What does the war mean for Eastern Europe?

1 year ago

“On the Barricades” s05e37

Viewers will know Youri Smouter of 1+1 as a regular guest and co-host on the monthly “On the Barricades” series called “Thumbs up, and Thumbs down,” where we comment on events taking place around the world that are important but overlooked in the press.

In this episode hosts Boyan Stanislavski and Youri discuss some general thumbs down related to: the risk of nuclear war; referendums in Ukraine; the breakdown of the public discourse on the war in Ukraine; the history behind the Russia-NATO conflict and Putin regime that is often completely not taken into account; the orientation of Eastern European countries and bleak perspective for future relations to both NATO and Russia. Also, they discuss what could be called an anti-Russian derangement syndrome and other massive gaps in the political consciousness of the Left, who have mainly aligned with imperialism while failing to provide answers to the questions that will be brought forth by hungry, poor, cold masses of people after the fallout of the sanctions and energy crisis.

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