Acoustic levitation-The power of sound waves?!?!?! #UFO #Alien #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

Acoustic levitation-The power of sound waves?!?!?!
How were PYRAMIDS BUILT with 2.3 Million GIANT STONE BLOCKS?!?!?!
Using Acoustic levitation... Watch this video to see the power of the sound waves
We will NOT ALLOW anyone to HIDE such KNOWLEDGE from US.

Proof: LEAKED video from very early Black Ops project experiments

A lil tidbit towards the end about the Ancient HEALING NETWORK...

Why are we being never told? Who do they hide all this?
it's because one disclosure leads to another in a chain reaction fashion... disclosure on moon details or UFOs will lead to the exposure on existence of free energy which leads to disclosure of the advanced technologies and med beds, leads to free energy ufo crafts instead of cars which run on gas so no infrastrutures needed like roads & bridges, free energy leads to no need for petroleum and electricity, med beds lead to the fall of pharmas and untimately collapse of banking, all leads to spiritual enlightenment, leads to the downfall of all religions a multi trillion dollar industry, ultimately leads to them losing control on us all etc...

A lil tidbit for you...
How to break down the matrix? Ancient HEALING NETWORK??
Imagine the lay lines of the net in the ground...
In ancient times, like Lemurian and Egypt, these grids were used to create healing magnetic fields through churches...
Ancient technology, which was well known at that time, and which was used in combination with astrology and numerology based on universal laws...
Stonehenge, Machu Picchu and other earthly chakras, still there...
But we forgot how to use them...
Ley lines were broken centuries ago...
The Freemason and Satanic elite through Catholic churches, palaces and government buildings...
Freemasonable technology used to change the frequency of the Earth grid to keep humanity at low frequency...
They used this technology to create a 3D matrix around the planet...
A low frequency field was created with the buildings on the grid and later satellites in the sky...
A field that disturbs and influences the human field associated with it...
A vibrator that keeps you in the loop of reincarnation between fear, shame, guilt and pain...
It depends on external systems like religion, government, education, pharmaceutical industry and entertainment...
From the same systems that feed the low vibration of fear, shame and guilt...
Through the manipulation of Mind Body and Spirit, we were captive living the illusion of free life...
We were unaware of our true divine, highly developed spiritual self...
If we get our grid back on Earth, our frequency will rise across the planet...
We can transform and rise from darkness to light...
We can grow as human beings...
We can re-integrate ancient technology with the innate quantum abilities to make this planet blossom into heaven on earth...
So.. ,
How to break down the matrix?
Think buildings and satellites....

#UFO #Alien #ET #USO #UAP #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

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