Dancing In The Rain 😢😞

2 years ago

Dancing In The Rain

Sad lover danced different steps of a romantic dance today.
Gentlest of steps glided on 'neath a soft and healing rain.
Rain was warm, comforting, blotting out twinges of pain--
pain reaped as body retraced moves shared on Lover's Lane.

It was a tender dance, ushering in thoughts of peace and healing--
feet twirled round dance floor in circles purposely small--
small as more dramatic ones were once part of Lover's Ball.
Ballroom floor is now empty and void of sweet music's call.

Dance in the rain recalled precious cherished of moments,
conversations sprinkled with laughter and times of caring--
caring enough, one for the other, as hearts were sharing--
sharing memories past and futures dreamed of those daring.

Lovers knew not the outcome of most intimate of shared moments,
As each held the other for the first time on floor of dance.
Love Dance may have included moves of a daring Tango of chance--
chance to gift one to the other steps of a passionate romance.

Suddenly, the dance music ceased to play,
ass clouds of separation loomed dark and grey.
Hands unclasped, mouths no longer did speak,
and a violin of sorrow caused lover to weep.

Sad spirit must now sit out the dance, holding dear the memory.
Pains of steps danced together will be softened with balm of time,
Time to erase feelings of sweet body as endearing as choice wine.
"Mine you were" she sighs, "but no longer in my Dance Line"!

“Suddenly she realized that what she was regretting was not the lost past but the lost future, not what had not been but what would never be.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” – Kahlil Gibran

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