2 years ago

Psalm 139:23-24 King James Version
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

You know guys, I really, really needed this morning's passage of scripture, because I have moments in my life where I need the penetrating mirror of God’s Word to examine my heart. I need His Word to examine my motives, my thoughts, my actions, and every area of my life, because without Him doing that, I know I'm prone to sin. When I examined myself through the lens of God’s Word, and allow Him to search me, try me, and know me, I see not only imperfections, but I also see that I'm God’s redeemed child, and that I am truly and totally loved by Him! I think that's why the questions from this morning's devotional means so much to me right now, and I'd like to share them with you tonight. Please read these questions very carefully, and I pray that God will speak to you through them.

What do you see when you look into the mirror of Scripture?

To quote Katara Patton, “When we read the Scriptures, what do we see? Do we recognize ourselves when they describe love and humility? Do we see our own actions when we read what God commands us to do?” These are questions I ask myself a lot, but I also ask God to remind me, just who I am in Him. That despite my imperfections, sins, and screw ups, God is ready and willing to forgive me, when I confess these sins to him, and he not only forgives, but he forgets. Bottom line, I'm God's redeemed child, and that's what matters the most.

What I'd like to do right now, is share some thoughts that God has given me about this morning passage of scripture, through this vlog I'd like to share with you all tonight, and I pray that it speaks to your heart. Come join me in this vlog and learn for yourself how important it is to let God's mirror examine you! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray That God challenges you through it.

What changes do you need to make?

I pray that whatever is going on in your life right now, whatever sin that you're struggling with, whatever issue, that you were dealing with, that you submit yourself to God, and lay these things at His feet. don't be afraid to confess any sin to Him, knowing that He is faithful and just to forgive, and will never, and I repeat never remember your sins! Ask God every day to help you use His Word to be a mirror into your life, motives, and actions every day, so that you could see the changes you need to make, but also draw closer to Him. don't be afraid to take the mirror test, and allow God to examine you!



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