Mass Hypnosis, Franz Mesmer and the Mandela Effect

2 years ago

Franz Mesmer was born in Swabia Germany on May 23rd,1734. He was a physician whose system of therapeutics theorized the existence of a natural energy transference occurring between all animated and inanimate objects to induce a special trance state for healing him/her of a physical ailment or to reconcile emotional or physical issues.

In 1843 he proposed the term HYPNOSIS (derived from animal magnetism) which is called mesmerism today. The so-called ‘birth of modern hypnosis’ has really been around since the beginning of time.

Various performers adapted Dr Mesmer's methods into vaudeville acts that ranged from the magicians stage to formal scientific presentations. Once the depth of techniques used for naturally susceptible/vulnerable people was understood, it was then weaponized to obtain massive control over the unsuspecting population.

Going from the stage to newspapers to our tv screens, the evolvement became more sophisticated and was used for hidden subliminal messages in advertising that began in the 1940s and subsequently morphed into monstrous proportions.

Government three letter agencies well practiced in forms of brainwashing took full advantage of this by developing technological levels never seen before which resulted in modern mass hypnosis we experience every day. Join us on another journey down the rabbit hole. You will never be the same.


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