We now consistent! Time for another Fault Stream, can we break our 0-6 Losing streak?

2 years ago

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We're continuing to build out the platform one step at a time. Let's get back at it with Fault!

Fault: Elder ORB is a Paragon remake finally available to the public, for those who know, you know. For those that don't, your missing out on what will be one of the best MOBA games there is, there was nothing like Paragon, so this will have a lot of promise in it if it builds well. We've overcame a lot of struggle streaming in the beggining when we started, but you know, every so often it happens =)

Still new to a lot of this, so we're building the plane as we fly it as they say - - -

Tip me here (any helps!): https://streamelements.com/allmightym15-5406/tip

Merch: https://store.charlesvelazquez.com/

Follow me at the following locations:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllMightyM15/

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/allmightym15

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT0oxEPPlOmBFAanpYRHkIw

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllMightyM15

Schedule: Wednesdays between 20:30 - 1:45am (CP time may vary)

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