UK government has scrapped its plan to get rid of the 45% rate of income tax for the highest earners

1 year ago

Current Events | The UK government has scrapped their plan to get rid of the 45% rate of income tax for the highest earners! | #shorts #news

The UK government has announced it will not go ahead with the plan to scrap 45% rate of income tax for the country's highest earners. The reversal comes 10 days after the measure was first announced. "It's clear that...abolition of...45p tax rate has become a distraction from our overriding mission to tackle...challenges facing our economy," Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng said.

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#UK #government #announcement #scrap #income #tax #country #highest #earners #reversal #days #measure #abolition #45p #taxrate #distraction #mission #tackle #challenges #economy #news #worldnews

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Related Queries:

- UK government announces it will not scrap 45% rate of income tax for the country's highest earners
- 10 days after the measure was first announced, the government has reversed its decision
- Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng said that the abolition of the 45p tax rate has become a distraction from the government's overriding mission

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