2 years ago

Probably some woke ass dumb ass teachers. I thought our public screwl education in America was bad.
The Story:
----THIS is the shocking moment a barrel of liquid nitrogen exploded during a school science experiment - leaving 15 people injured.

Nine children were rushed to hospital with varying degrees of burns after an experiment went wrong at the House of Culture in Girona, Spain on Friday.

All 15 - including the professor behind the experiment, Deni Jaminez, and his assistant - have taken to Plaça de l'Hospital, the local Fire Department said, according to local press. One of the injured, according to a government officials, is said to be "between a serious and less serious" condition in hospital.

The horror blast took place while an experiment was being carried out on the barrel of liquid nitrogen as part of a research night in front of crowd of mostly children. Footage from the event showed a person pouring an unknown substance into a barrel, causing a controlled plume of smoke to rise.

A man in a grey suit jacket then walks over and lifts a second empty barrel on top of the other with the help of an assistant. The assistant, who can be seen wearing heavy duty gloves, places a brace around the barrels to keep them in position. The professor walks back over as the assistant struggles to move the barrels to count down when the barrels suddenly explode, causing a giant smoke of white smoke to rush towards the crowd.

Seconds later, the footage shows distressed bystanders running away. Authorities have activated an alert and are asking residents to stay away. Girona's mayor, Marta Madrenas, said the event was organized by the local university.----

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