How to survive a Carrington event part one.

1 year ago

How to survive a Carrington event part one.
This is my best guess having never personally experienced such a thing.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then watch my previous video, or do your own research.
Now where to begin? This is a big multifaceted and multiple discipline subject that should take you many years to research, but as you probably don't have many years to study, let's break this down into easy to understand possible scenarios.
The scenario, the lights go out.
This may have happened many times before, due to lightning/solar activity/industrial action strikes/sabotage by the latest boogeyman or whatever, there are two things to watch out for, number one the northern or southern lights at unexpected latitudes.
Number two and most important, your local neighbourhood substation smelling like it's been fried, if you don't know where your local substation is, then it’s time to find out, and if it has been fried the smell should be quite pungent and noticeable from several metres away.
If these two things happen simultaneously or in short succession it is by no means definitive, although it is a strong indicator that the excrement has hit the fan.
Believe your own eyes, and sense of smell, information from the radio maybe as accurate and useful as a politicians promise, work it out for yourself.
And that’s it for now more later, my idea is to keep these short simple and memorable, as best I can, your input is welcome.
And finally enjoy yourself it's Later Than You Think.

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