On TNWs - tactical nuclear weapons.

1 year ago

TG / Right People Z:
"Let me explain simply about TNWs - tactical nuclear weapons.

Everyone remembers how 2,500 tonnes of saltpeter exploded in the port of Beirut in 2020? Well, according to approximate estimates of experts, it was an explosion of 0.5 to 1.5 kilotons.

The Armed Forces of Russia possess a type of tactical nuclear weapons, such as shells with the nuclear warhead for artillery howitzers, for instance RD4-1 of 152 mm caliber of 2.5 kt, which can be thrown to a range of 15 km by the D-20 howitzer, to 25 km by the MSTA-C SAU, and to 70 km by the Koalitsiya SAU. There is also a 203 mm RD5-1 shell of 2 kilotons, which the SAU 2S7 "Pion" (aka 2S7M "Malka") can throw at a range of up to 50 km. So all this stuff is intended for total annihilation of various fortification zones and annihilation of soldiers and equipment of the enemy defending them. So, think what one artillery battery can do with a couple of volleys of such shells."

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