Top 5 Accessories Every Home Defense Handgun Should Have

2 years ago

Home Defense Handguns

I place a great deal of attention into the firearm I select to have on my nightstand since it is vital to me as a home defense weapon.

The handguns I select for home defense should, in my opinion, have a few specific features.

I'm not claiming that a firearm is ineffective for home defense if it lacks any of these features because having a gun is ultimately preferable than having none at all.

To improve your home protection, it would be incredibly helpful if you could add these top 5 items to your handgun.

However, as important as the gun is when it comes to home defense, it's also about the training and ensuring you're prepared.

That's why I'm a USCCA member.

It's an easy way to cover all my bases if I ever had to use my gun in self-defense.

I could find myself in a costly legal case to prove that me using my gun was justified.

The beautiful thing about a USCCA membership is that you don't just get self-defense insurance; you also get access to their treasure trove of education and training programs.

So if you're interested in learning more about USSCA AND getting a few special free bonuses, click this link!

Here is My Full USCCA Self Defense Insurance Review

Also, I am just launching my NEW Colion Noir Edition In-Ear Hearing Protection!

Once you wear these, you’ll immediately feel the difference with SUPERIOR comfort and enhanced situational awareness.

The comfort feels like custom-fit protection and is easily worn for hours without constantly falling out.

They feature 6x SOUND AMPLIFICATION, Fast Attack Time, & NRR 29 Rated

In-Ear & Over The Ear Hearing Protection For Shooting Sports

**** And the NEW Leather Path Hats

Looking to help further our Pro Constitution, Pro 2A message, donate below:

My Full USCCA Self Defense Insurance Review

Self Defense Insurance

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