I'll have my hair style the way I want it to be. Telling my friend she can worry about her own hair.

1 year ago

So I have this well meaning friend Layla (name changed for privacy although she's going to love the video be on YouTube) so this friend of mine happened to also do professional dominatrix work and she's a naturally dominant lady so she's always bossing people around. I love having her as a friend because honestly sometimes she does tell me to do things I'm procrastinating on. sometimes she goes a bit overboard. she's been telling me to cut my hair a certain way and I just keep my hair the way I like it kind of puffy I don't care if it makes me look like some sort of guy from the '80s cuz I grew up then anyways. and also I had 10 lb to lose at the time I had put on 20 pounds over the spring with a lot of stress from auto buying believe it or not. anyway I'm going to start developing this channel but here's some of me uncut from I believe August 2022. but more importantly. listen to advice for mothers but ultimately follow your own internal compass. oh and that's a Boston accent you hear.

now am I supposed to use hashtags like on Instagram to bring people to watch this video. or just ask you to please share it and like it.
by the way I need somebody to do video editing who will work in expensively

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