My mom's Journey to Healing

1 year ago

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On October 1, 2021 my Mom was tied to a bed, drugged and then when she woke up and realized that she was tied to the bed she began to try and break free. She was held down by several people, given a paralytic drug and ventilated against her will. Even though the hospital was told “DO NOT VENTILATE” they did it anyway!

She did not trust hospitals because she witnessed other family members mistreated in the past. We talked her into going to the hospital for an IV because she had become dehydrated during her fight with covid. Once she was given the IV she felt better and was ready to come home. The problem was, when we took her to the emergency room, I was not allowed to stay with her because of covid restrictions. According to hospital records, As soon as I, Sumayyah, was escorted out of the emergency room and out the hospital she was immediately drugged and tied to the bed! We were NEVER told that either had occurred! Even though we had spoken to them several times waiting for covid test results.

What happened next began a nightmare that still has not ended for us. We were told by the doctors that there was very little chance that she would survive, less than 5%. One arrogant doctor even guaranteed us that she would die. Despite multiple requests, the hospital refused to give her any breathing tests to see if she could breath without the ventilator they insisted that her lungs were destroyed.

Prayer works! After over a month of our family struggling and not accepting their prognosis, and taking legal action, one doctor (we call him her angel) actually LOOKED at her condition. He repeatedly tested her IL6 level every time he saw her to see if he saw any signs of a cytokine storm, usually responsible for causing harm in covid patients. He repeated that test several times beginning day 3 of her hospitalization. He told us at a family meeting that she did not have to die on the vent and paved the way for her survival by giving her a particular diuretic to clear the water from her lungs and reset her ph level. Once her trach was done we immediately transferred her to a rehab facility where we thought she would be weaned from the vent. Still, after four months of strong advocacy, we realized that she would not survive the current absurd protocol in place. She was getting sicker and sicker and was now succumbing to opportunistic infections. She was coding several times a week until one doctor, we call him her angel of the rehab facility, figured out what we already knew and tried to convince other doctors, that the drugs being given to her were too strong for her system. He stabilized her and bought us time to get her out of there alive!

On Monday, March 7, 2022 I with my brother and sister did a bold and pretty scary thing and brought her home on the ventilator! Still with a feeding tube and in terrible physical condition! We were frightened out of our minds and had never dealt with a situation like this, but we knew we had to do something! We could not afford nursing care, but we did have the love and devotion of a dear family friend a nurse practitioner who was waiting in front of our door when she arrived home by ambulance. She cared for mom for several weeks and taught us how to continue her care. What a learning curve that was! We also had family and friends who supported us in various ways as needed. My Mom's recovery has been long, complicated, and extremely expensive, but we are almost there!
What we are doing at home on a shoestring budget is what the hospital and rehab facility were paid millions of dollars to do but were prevented from doing because of their current standard of care protocols. We are rehabilitating her so that she can have her life back!

So far, at home, we have removed her from the ventilator in less than a week, weaned her from the sedation drugs, removed her trach and her feeding tube and healed the opening in her throat, and stomach. I am glad to report that She is now walking on her own power, and rebuilding her physical abilities.
When she came home after six months of being in an induced coma, and heavily sedated her body could barely move. We had to physically move her, bathe her and turn her from side to side every two hours to avoid bedsores. Which we did successfully. My brother had to stay with her for four straight months because he was the only one strong enough to lift her when needed.
We were told by the first physical therapist that came to see her at home that she would never walk again due to the length of time she was sedated and motionless.
Mom has defied every expert's expectations of her! One fine day we walked her into physical therapy with no wheelchair - she proudly walked in with her own two feet! She is walking and exercising at physical therapy and everyone is amazed at her progress. We are using alternative therapies and treatments like IV vitamin C, IV ozone, and a plethora of vitamins and herbs to support her healing. Still, as you know, alternative therapies are expensive, and we have depleted our personal funds and those that have been previously donated. We are so thankful to everyone who have supported this journey.

We are asking for your support in any way that you can give it. We need:

Prayers for my Mom's complete healing, physically, spiritually, and mentally. God is the Master of healing and we understand that.
2) Money to continue to pay for the alternative supplements and treatments that we have been using and that we will use in the future.
3) Inspirational stories of others who have healed from severe illness and/or injury and words of encouragement.

We will read your prayers, encouragement and stories of healing to my Mom to motivate and inspire her and let her know that she has a beautiful tribe of people supporting her journey.

Currently, she is still on oxygen therapy. However, we have begun the weaning process. She still needs quite a bit of physical therapy to restore her fitness level to what it was before it was ruthlessly stolen. She also needs to overcome the symptoms of trauma that she endured. This is our biggest obstacle right now, and it requires us to think beyond her physical injuries and look at who she is and how she was injured.

We appreciate any support you can give us. We believe that God heals and that he sends assistance through people who feel moved to help.

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