AOC Says Abortion is an ‘Economic Issue’ Because Raising Kids Forces Parents to Work

1 year ago

@Gateway Pundit #comedy #politics
AOC Says Abortion is an ‘Economic Issue’ Because Raising Kids Forces Parents to ‘Work More Against Their Will’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has asserted that abortion is an economic issue because raising kids forces parents to “work more against their will.”
AOC made the claims during a House hearing about abortion restrictions on Thursday.

“Abortion is an economic issue,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Forcing poor and working-class people to give birth against their will, against their consent, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child, is a profound economic issue and it’s certainly a way to keep a workforce basically conscripted to large-scale employers and to employers to work more against their will, to take second and third jobs against their desire and their own autonomy.”

The socialist lawmaker was responding to comments from Republican Rep. Jake LaTurner, who said that congress should be spending its time discussing economic issues like inflation.


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