GEFNFL Week 3 Recap 9/30/2022

1 year ago

Hey everybody welcome back to another recap of our GEFNFL game.

GEFNFL Week 3 9/30/2022 Recap

Game 3

Another great evening for some Friday night football. We started off with enough players to play a full game a 6 vs 6. Teams were pretty evenly matched up with a couple new players on Red team, Hassel, and Kozina.

Before the camera crew was ready, Blue got the kick off and drove down the field just get picked off by Montes De Oca at about the 1 yard line. Red tried to get out of the hole, just to be stop on a forth down play by Tahen. Who chose to forfeit his stat to make the stop they needed, only to end up being stopped by Red on another forth down play.

Red manages to pick up a first down on the next drive and just start lobbing deep passes to try and get the touchdown from midfield only to be stop on another forth down knockdown play in the endzone by Vanschnaick. Blue Team puts together a solid drive back down the field to make the first touchdown of the game with throw from Jones to Tahen in the back of the endzone.

Red answers that touchdown with a nice drive of thier own and a touchdown pass from Montes De Oca to Orozco. With Blue pinned deep on their 1 yard line after kick off, and an attempt at a deep pass by Schott. Who should have stepped into his throw in order to make that throw, resulted in a interception for Montes De Oca. Red team was then able to drive down and score another touchdown from Orozco to Montes De Oca off of a tipped pass into the endzone. Putting Red on top of the game.

After a nice kick off return by Tahen. Blue tried to answer that touchdown, only to get pick off again by Orozco. Red put together another drive that ended on a forth down stop by blue. Blue drove back down the field and made a nice Touchdown pass from Tahen to Vanschnaick, which was put under the longest booth review in GEFNFL history!! Booth Review came the conclusion that Tahen did not pass the line before throwing the ball.

Reds next drive made it across midfield only to get intercepted again in the endzone by Tahen. Blue puts together another drive, and score with a touchdown pass from Bartlett to Jones despite getting sacked once by Polczynski. Red then answers that drive with a solid drive and touchdown pass from Oremus to Montes De Oca. Tying the game up once again.

Blue drives back down after kick off, and puts up another touchdown pass from Vanschnaick to Tahen. There was a little back and forth on the next two drives ending on 4th down turnovers. Red puts together another drive gets all the way down to the endzone just get pick off by Nowak. Who ran it all the way down for a pick six touchdown. After another long booth review on this play showed that Vanschnaick did not get the sack, and was a valid pick six play.

Red puts up another drive and touchdown pass from Orozco to Polczynski on the next drive of theirs and then its another battle between the defense for the last score drives. with Jones getting another interception for blue and Orozco getting one for Red. Final drive of the game ending with a touchdown pass from Oremus to Polczynski. Tying up the game once again at the end.

Another evenly match game over all.

Final Score

Red - 5 TDs, 5 - Ints, 1 - Sack

Blue - 5 TDs, 3 - Ints

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