Sunday Clown World Exercise, yes we knew before Fat boy Zionist Jones.

2 years ago

Enjoy the clown world reports but this is about healing through admittance and once again I give a weakened and somewhat frustrated opinion out of negative emotions, sometimes all I want is to sleep forever but I know we were chosen to suffer through the experience and learn.
Have we really learned; do we understand?

Better than anyone has claimed so forth and with their limited abilities to speak truth we only have pieces to put together. We may not have cracked the code, but we bloody-well see it everywhere and recognise those who serve evil, and their inner darkness more than we ever did at our lowest points in life.

Rise up and hold on to patience, they could prop it up or allow it to demolish itself, into its own footprint at any time so do not expect them to follow our claims as they change scenarios at will.

Be strong, be guarded and be believed in you.
Time to do.

Much L❤ve


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