"It will take care of itself."

1 year ago

A "it will take care of itself" opinion.
There should have been a total mobilization, if they are wanting to maintain Donbass and all the rest of the Federation as a matter of existence, as they often say.

TG / Slavyangrad:

"In the case of public showdowns about the departure from Krasny Liman.

1. It seems that there will be certain conclusions and consequences, although most of them will remain in a non-public field.

2. In any case, support for the army must remain unconditional, the war will be long and it is important for the army to have a strong rear - both economically and morally and politically. As I have noted more than once, the main hopes of the West in the war in Ukraine against Russia are connected with the fact that, for one reason or another, Russia’s rear will break down and the situation of the First World War will be repeated, when, after a series of military defeats and against the backdrop of a difficult socio-economic situation in country, the ruling elites carried out the deposition of Nicholas II as part of the February Revolution, which was followed by a smoldering civil war and other well-known consequences. This time, the Bolsheviks, who will pull the country to shining heights after such events, are not visible on the horizon.

3. The army, like the country as a whole, will inevitably change during a long conflict with the West, as it was before 2022, it will no longer be. Life will change. What cannot adapt will die naturally. Of course, it is highly desirable that the process of change be directed from above in order to accelerate the necessary changes.

4. Current expectations are obviously related to the stabilization of the front on the outskirts of Kremennaya and Svatovo, the cessation of retreat and the preparation of troops for offensive operations after the introduction of replenished units and mobilized masses, which will ensure the necessary numerical superiority in the directions of the main strikes, otherwise complaints about that we are "heroically defending ourselves against an enemy outnumbered" or "heroically advancing on an enemy outnumbered" look more and more ridiculous due to the fact that Russia has a many times greater mobilization potential and at the beginning of the war had a large personnel contract army."

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