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15 seconds

Time Doesn't Exist

2 years ago


  • 0/2000
  • Tis true. All things are happening now all at once. Time and space does not exist.

  • Right. There was an English metaphysician by the name of John M. E. McTaggart who also theorised that time was no more than an illusion and that the only dimension of time was in the form of the present. That there are two basic ways in which we can look at time: being the A Series theory of time vs the B Series. One is called "Presentism" in which all events -- past, present and future -- all occur in the "present" moment. The other being the B Series, in which 3 dimensions of time exist, that being the past, present and future. Obviously, he was right, and unfortunately, 99.99% of people still believe in the myth of something called the "arrow of time."

  • Very good video.

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