Brave Dog Surprise me

1 year ago

Some dogs enjoy fetching and retrieving in the summertime as much as swimming in the water. Others would rather remain on stable ground and in the dry. With the help of this guide, learn about the water dog elite.
Not all canines like water activities to the same extent. Whether it's a beach, pool, lake, or river, some people will avoid all bodies of water. Other dog breeds, however, appear to be made to stand out.
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Dog breeds known as "water dogs" were historically bred to retrieve water-based prey, such as ducks and geese. The phrase is currently used to describe any canine breed with a reputation for enjoying the water.
What makes dogs enjoy the water?
Especially when contrasted to their feline relatives, many canines appear to enjoy the water. Why do dogs like the water?
Many dogs seem to love water… especially compared to their cat counterparts! But why do dogs love water? Here are some possible reasons: Some dogs were literally bred to work in the water – such as the Irish Water Spaniel.
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Dogs are more likely (than cats) to be first introduced to water in an enjoyable way, so they might have a positive association with it.
It’s a great way to keep cool and avoid heatstroke in dogs during hot weather.
Many dogs are playful, curious, and adventurous, and water can be a great source of fun.
Playing in the water together is a great way for dogs to bond with their favorite humans.
Getting wet is a great way to keep clean.
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