🎭ObamaGate — Obstructing the Peacful Transfer of Power

1 year ago

What a surprise for Hillary when she realized that she had failed to convince voters to trust her and Trump was elected. It was then that the Obama collusion found it necessary to embark on a new campaign of monkey-wrenching of the new president.

It hadn't worked...the Hillary campaign of disinformation that was intent on casting aspersions against Trump. The public was more concerned with Hillary as a bad actor that would do ANYTHING to become the first WOMAN president.

Today we see the reaction to prosocial, pro American policies. That reaction is a full frontal assault by Communists to destroy American and it's capitalist economy.

The American Marxist, in partnership with the Chinese Communist want to erode and undermine the American Family and American Manufacturing, destroy our economy, our military, and our FAITH IN GOD.

It is time to vote out those that are in league with our enemies. It is time to vote out the septuagenarian and octogenarians and all those that have been in DC more than 30 years!

We need TERM LIMITS and we should administer...

... Oath of Office WITH A POLYGRAPH for all DOJ, FBI and members of members of the legislative branch.

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