Real O'Rourke please stand up

1 year ago

It's hard to determine what O'Rourke is for because he flip-flops on everything. In my opinion O'Rourke would not be a good governor for the state of Texas. He will be more of a dictator who will push climate change, open borders and abortion right down to the last minute. He flip-flops on gun control, confiscation and repealing constitutional carry and even thinks mass shootings are funny. Did he think we would forget about that?

O'Rourke appears to blame everything and anything on Gov. Abbott including inflation. Which anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that the inflation was caused by the federal government spending. The borders is the federal government's constitutional responsibility which they have grossly failed. But yet, O'Rourke somehow finds a way to blame Gov. Abbott for the flood of illegal aliens, drugs, human trafficking, diseases and terrorist coming across the border invited by the Biden administration.

Not one time in O'Rourke's debate did he blame the Biden administration for anything which tells you that he agrees with the Biden administration policies that have wrecked our country so far. This video shows Robert O'Rourke's inconsistencies.

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