Basics 21: Salvation continued...Last one on Can I lose my salvation? What about this verse?

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Hi SBC Family,

This week we will finish the controversial passages on loss of salvation. Some of these come from Hebrews where there are five stern warning passages. It is important to understand that these verses were written in a context when believing Jews were being persecuted by unbelieving Jews. The believers strategy was to return to Judaism and the temple system in Jerusalem temporarily in order to avoid persecution. The author is telling them that if they do this they will spiritually regress and come under divine discipline because that is not living the Christian life. Christ is the final sacrifice for sins. There is nothing sacrifices at the temple could do for them spiritually. It would be tragic if they decided once and for all to return to Judaism. Loss of reward, even physical death in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70. It would be better if they pressed on to maturity. We'll look at these verses and others. So many verses are just ripped right out of context by believers today who are just trying to support a theology. Verses mean what they mean only in the context in which they were written. That is why verse-by-verse and historical studies are so important to finding the meaning. People manipulate so much in the Bible. As has been said, "The Bible can mean whatever you want." Yeah, when taken out of context. When taken in context the meaning becomes clear.

See the attached handout.

Also, we celebrate communion tomorrow, so prepare to remember what the Lamb of God has done for us.

Grace to you,

Attached handout:

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