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LIVE@2PM: CrossTalk Sermons: Finishing Well

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Let’s face it: starting well is relatively easy. Finishing well is a different matter! Starting that new diet or exercise program is kind of fun, but hanging in over the long haul is the real test. Getting married is exciting and relatively easy. Staying married through struggles, adjustments, and trials is not always an easy matter.
The same is true of the Christian life.

Becoming a Christian is relatively easy: acknowledge to God that you are a sinner and receive by faith the free gift of eternal life that Christ provided by His shed blood. You cannot work for salvation nor do anything to qualify for it. God gives it freely to all that recognize their need and trust in Christ alone.
But then comes the hard part—hanging in there as a Christian in a world that is hostile towards God and His people. The world constantly dangles in front of you all that it has to offer in opposition to the things of God.

We will cover these subjects and much more this Sunday on CrossTalk Faith!


  • 0/2000
  • Interesting whats this about?

  • Praise his Holy Name Jesus Name above all Names Jesus Hallelujah

  • Amen Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus. 💜

  • it is only hard to hang in there is you have already forsaken the Spirit, usually for the LAW. for the joy of the lord is supposed to be our strength in hard times. but not if we have forsaken him, abandoned the one on one relationship sustained through prayer moderated by the Bible to summarize it is only hard if we try to stand firm by or own resolve, namely in our own strength NO?? the n we do not believe that His yoke is easy, his burden light. BTW it is impossible to become a Christian of and by our own will, for the Spirit blows where he will (John 3) and the will of the flesh profits nothing. assenting to certain doctrines is not saving faith. one only becomes a christian if one encounters the Holy Spirit directly and personally, without this one is not born again and merely assents to a proposition the question raises here: how many who think they are born again actually are not??

  • Would be even more Beautiful if all those dumb buildings were not in the Way....;)*

  • Why’s he yelling?

  • 🕊🌎…It’s time to expose the lies…

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