Through The Looking Glass With Marvel And Other Various Reptilian Entertainment Creations

2 years ago

Random predictive programming compilation video showcasing how Marvel have shown us their intentions of altering the human genome with other various DNA, as part of the New World Order. We are at The Last Stand with the hive mind as it takes us over through nanotechnology smart dust and other de-evolutionary means. Chimeras are being normalized in anticipation of the future genetic manipulation by the AI. Black eyed babies are just the start of what is to come.

Reptilians have invaded our planet which may have been there's all along and Marvel doesn't beat around the bush with all their shapeshifting characters whether it be Mystique or the Skrulls' Secret Invasion which is an upcoming 2023 Disney Plus series.

The Simpsons creators don't hide their true nature as they admit to being a part of the Illuminati but who controls them? Watch and find out. The Simpsons foretells the false rapture of Apollyon, which also captured the zombie apocalypse on more than one episode. Game Of Thrones did the same. Will it be caused by tainted magnetic meat also?

Project Looking Glass is explained near the end of the video as a government program used to foretell future events, which is exactly what predictive programming does for the masses, as it changes the collective consciousness of whatever is left to humanity.

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