GOP Policy Letter Contains HILARIOUS Mistake

2 years ago

Kevin McCarthy sent out a letter describing what the GOP is running on this year, and it contains a pretty funny mistake. The letter begins with a quote from Abraham Lincoln. Except it's not from Lincoln. It's a quote from an ad for one of the biggest losers in Wall Street history.

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Here is a letter from Kevin McCarthy. as we talk about the different things that they're running on. It's a letter from Kevin McCarthy posted to the House Republican conference when they talk about what we're going to run on in 2022 in the coming weeks. Like we've just heard you know if you listen to Rick Scott priority number one is saluting the flag and teaching people that America is great. and somewhere in their education. and then number two is no race questions on forms. That's number two. and then they do crime and immigration. Here is this if you look at this letter here it says first thanks to you who took part in the August listening tour. sounds fun. et cetera. et cetera. The diligent work of our members' task force over the past years has led while Democrats have been shown to me always. Okay, at the top of this thing it says commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. Abraham Lincoln now I don't know what promises they're making I guess the Pledge of Allegiance and whatnot. and it's attributed to Abraham Lincoln of course as you know. one of probably the most famous Republicans. of course, back then Republicans were quite a different party. Democrats were too at different times. and the thing that marks this Republican party is that commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. it also commitment is I guess not doing any research on when you put a quote at the top of your letter. because it turns out that according to the Daily Beast Sam Brody you see this it's not actually a Lincoln quote. I propose though because it is a quote from a Lehman Brothers ad from the 1980s. I don't think we have the ad. it was a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal I think at the time. and we should also say Lehman Brothers was one of the biggest trading firms to go under in the 2008 financial crisis. they were heavily leveraged and they just collapsed. they looked into mortgage-backed Securities as closely as they looked into Lincoln quotes I guess. right exactly there you go. well done. This Wells Fargo was said by Gandhi.

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