1 year ago


The Bank of England / City of London / Rothschild / Queen LIZZY / Vatican clowns have Lost power...
As I informed here in 2019 when i met the man in charge of Guiness World records for North America in Danbury CT..he explained to me that after 911 IBM in secret and at night installed underwater cables from CT to Europe and they made damage to his property as well as others and they would fix it within hours so as to nobody finding out what they were doing.

In 2004 When visiting the IBM Headquarters in MT Kisco NY [ They own all the land in Westchester county] reason some of the highest Elites live in that county....Met with some clients who were doing business with IBM and because i was with very prominent people, they thought i was one of them and so I asked and played dumb " Do you know that IBM installed their own private underwater cables to go to Europe and avoid being listen to by CIA or anyone?."
I was told was done to protect IBM since they do business with many of the dirtiest people around the Planet..City Of England,Vatican, Royal Families.

They are also OFF PLANET doing business with ETS as well as Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, Raytheon, GE, Amazon to name a few. So while everyone is talking about the pipeline ..the underwater cables will be cut....expect EBS, SCARE EVENT -- NUCLEAR WAR soon.

Putin will give hours to Nazi Zelensky-Cabal little puppet to get out of Kiev and step down and nothing all the Hitler cheerleaders will be able to do.

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