Analysis- Graphene Conduit For Demonic Possession AI (Please see description for more info)

2 years ago

Mirrored – Fair Use
Sept 30, 2022.
Aliens = material8stic thinking
Demons = spiritual thinking but perhaps the real demons are all incarnate and they work for the CIA, who hide behind brands like demons hid behind idols and the real devil and his angels are also incarnate and so is Michael who fights them. The pope and the 322 people.The devil and his angels, they know their time is short.
You would expect them all to be here on earth for the big showdown otherwise why would the book of Revelation tell us about invisible things.? What would be the point ? The whole point of prophecy is we can see it coming to pass. No, this all relates to real world events and real world people right now.
Space is faked . Its probably more water up their. Not even Timothy Good who wrote the UFO bible 'Above Top Secret' believes in aliens, he said its an inter dimensional phenomena more like angels and demons. Where are these aliens coming from Uranus? We don't even know what planets are as all the mars rovers were also faked. No Astronaut saw UFOs either they are all paid to lie they are actors. The only thing we know for sure is the CIA really really want you to believe in aliens, but not angels or demons hmmmm
Will the CIA control us via Graphene? Well then it's a conduit for demonic possession.

“And when they say Star Trek programming there are literally building a house inside the brain that is like a spaceship and all these rooms and places for these ‘alters’ (alternative programmed personalities) to go. And they even have an ‘alter’ they create a space for an ‘alter’ to police the other ‘alters’ and make sure none of them are talking. So it is that intricate. There is also an empty room that is a slot for anyone they want to summon down and or up (or from whatever realm/dimension these demonic entities come from). Some place like Orion or the moon, I don’t know, but they are summoning it from another dimension I guess – whatever. And they have a room built into the brain of their victims for that entity to enter into. And they most probably have now victims that have multiple rooms. Because you saw what happened to Hollywood. They turned into like, demons from hell. So, you know that’s because there is a space there for another entity to enter those people’s bodies. Why? Because they made a deal. They made a deal to make all kinds of money and certainly there is a certain amount you have to give to be in the ten-million-dollar club. There is a certain amount of money you have to give to be in the twenty-million-dollar club. And so for the so on and for those who are at the top who have the most money have done the most horrible things, but they have also compromised their own bodies, so that they allowed these creatures to just recraft their physical bodies so that they can now host and they are going to be parasited off of. So, that just sounds like hell … if you ask me?”

(Note: These affected Hollywood and Elite types unfortunately are possessed or have a demonic attachment. They all constructed that room(s) in their minds where the entity can enter and control them collectively. The entity possesses the victim satisfying their carnal desires and projects the delusion and immorality to steer us away from God. The demonic entity feeds off your life-force (loosh) while slowly stealing your soul. Repent and seek God and keep these demons in the pit imprisonment out of our world.

I personally had a demonic attachment for 60 years and didn’t even know it until the demon tried to kill me. I believe I received this attachment (or created room as described above) through contact when I was fondled while still in diapers as a child. Some might call it a generational curse through a family member or relative. Only a good Catholic upbringing and loving parents kept me from the constant urges and influence from this life-sucking demonic attachment bent on corrupting me.

The demon can also create this so-called room by traumatizing a victim through a nightmare dream experience while asleep. They attach to lower carnal desires that mirror the 7 deadly sins, pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed. In my case a demon that specialized in lust. In a near death experience and final standoff, God helped me totally remove this attachment (or destroy the room). I had a direct confrontation in my mind with an intense spiritual battle, but God can save us and protect us. My mind is now at total peace and with constant prayer I remain protected. Stay away from sin and we can prevent the demonic realm from terraforming our world and desire to possess all of us into their hellish vision. Marcum)

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