The Polint, Peleliu

1 year ago

Followed Sgt. Roebuck to eliminate the Japanese anti-tank positions. The enemy defense is quite tight, advance all the way. The enemy's anti-tank guns can be taken care of by operating the enemy's 25mm anti-aircraft guns. After eliminating all the defenders of the Japanese position, regroup your squad. After that, advance and follow the sergeant. You will find that the Japanese firepower is quite fierce, wait for your own Spitfire tank to be in place, follow the very yellow and violent Spitfire until the Japanese are in front of a Japanese tunnel, eliminate the defenders at the entrance and then kill them inside the tunnel, solve the members of the artillery in the tunnel that threaten our ships, use grenades to open the way (this generation of the game grenades are very threatening, usually, as long as the icon of a grenade flashes near you, Miller or Peter will see Marx), solve the last Japanese gun. ), after solving the last Japanese garrison, Miller's mission in the Berryu Island will temporarily end a paragraph.

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