Bible Timeline from the beginning to the end. Revelation 9

1 year ago

The Lord is long-suffering and not willing for anyone to perish. He along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, created us as free moral agents Gen. 1:26. The Lord did not want men to follow Him merely out of fear, but to learn that we must love God and our fellow man with agape love, the ways of God, without being coerced Gen. 1:26.
So, the Lord allowed Satan, while pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:7, to convince men: 1. That Elohim was singular in number. 2. That Christ and His followers needed to be killed as blasphemers since he claimed to be God 2 Thess. 2:7 and preached that Christ wasn't God, and 3. If Christ, were to be only a man then His preaching wouldn't be more important than other men's. Because the Lord wanted us to go through the school of hard knocks, by trying out the wisdom of men, and because it is impossible for men to stand up against God, the Lord hid His face, power, glory, majesty, love, and Bible from men for 1680 years. Our creator wanted us to learn to appreciate the differences between the wisdom of men and the wisdom of God without us blaspheming the Holy Spirit Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30. The Lord warned us to be patient with the preaching of men, the wisdom from below Job, James 5:7-111 because the ways of God will be fully back in 40 years at His second coming. If you are a skeptic about the wisdom from above being back in part 1 Cor. 13:9-12, you might want to read 2 Peter 3; Rev. 22:18 and look to the plagues/death being brought by the destroyer.
The destroyer 1 Cor. 10:10 is the sun, the same cosmic clock the Lord sent to destroy the world by flood in 2350 BC 2 Peter 3. The destroyer comes with a variety of extreme cosmic weather: cosmic dust, radiation, pole movements, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought conditions, volcanoes, lightening from the earth to the sky, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections that will knock out the electricity.
Perhaps we will first be able to get The Wisdom from Above New Testament, cash and silver, radios, batteries, and supplies, before the lights, internet, banks, transportation, etc. goes out.
Revelation is unsealed, and now we can understand that the Lord is coming soon Rev. 22:20, (last days so perhaps in 2062- or 40-years Micah 7:15). The Lord's preaching the wisdom from above partially back 1 Cor. 13:9-12 for these end times of the rule of Satan Heb. 1:2; John 12:31, and His invitation to be a New Testament Christians had been given, to those who can understand the prophecies of Christ in Revelation 22:18ff. Now we can contend for the one true faith system and begin taking our freedom back from every wind of the doctrine of men. AKA Satan's mega sword Rev. 6:4: denominationalism, socialism, atheism, fascism, racism, environmentalism, capitalism, etc. all. Christ's sword, the Perfect Law of Liberty 1 Cor. 2:11; John 8:32 will free us from every wind of the doctrine of men or Satan's rule. That will end in 40 years John 12:31 when evil is burned up Lev. 10:1-3 and Satan cast out John 12:31.
6 steps of spiritual enlightenment that only the Lord can give Matt. 13:11-
First, is receiving the wisdom from above so we can understand the mysteries of the Kingdom.
Second, obeying the Gospel of the Kingdom is preceded by one being poor in spirit, to humbly believe in the wisdom from above rather than the wisdom from below James 3, the supernatural objective truth from God rather than the lies from Satan Rom. 3:4; John 8:32; Matt. 4:23; Heb. 1:2; 2 Tim. 2:5.
Third, we again have the keys to the kingdom. The Lord's day is the thousand years of the kingdom, divided into two ages for men.
Fourth, we are enlightened enough to understand that Satan cannot rule at the same time as Christ preaches, except for the first for 40 years. Satan knows he has but a short time, it is why the world is in such a mess.
Fifth, Enlightenment is realizing that we needed to suffer, and go through the school of hard knocks to understand our desperate need for wisdom from above.
Enlightenment is the understanding that the Kingdom of God destroys the wisdom of men Dan. 2:44.
Enlightenment is understanding that the wisdom from above, is our only hope to survive to the second age of the 40 years Acts 2:20ff; 2 Peter 3; Rev. 8; 18, etc.

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