Rally at the Sacramento state capital over Fredom of speech and doctor rights

2 years ago

Rally in Sacramento at the state capital of our freedom of speech that Gavin Newsom is taken from us he’s also preventing doctors from telling patients certain things it’s against our rights. And they’re speaking out for us. But we need more doctors to do this we need more doctors to stand with these good doctors because more doctors are scared to getting their licenses polled. We need doctors to stand for what is right. Vote Gavin Newsom out. Vote for Brian Dale for California’s governor he’s a family farmer. He owns a trucking company in a seed company and knows the problems that are affecting all of us.

Leigh Dundas, JD At the Sacramento capital speaking about loosing freedom of speech. If doctors can’t speak up about what can heal you. That’s the end.

Leigh Dundas, JD

Dr. Sally Priester

Reinette Senum, JD

Dr. Marcus Wheeler

Dr. Len Sapute

Dr. Robert Jamieson

Max Bonilla

Freedom angels

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