Reptilian Shapeshifter Billy Corgan Story Howard Stern Show Part 1 and Part 2

2 years ago

Corgan: Imagine you’re doing something and suddenly you turn around and there’s somebody else standing there.

Stern: A different human?

Corgan: Sorta. It’s hard to explain without going into detail–I’d rather not go into details.

Stern: But did you say to the person, “What’d you just do here?”

Corgan: Yes, and they acknowledged it.

Stern: And what did they say they were? From another planet?

Corgan: They wouldn’t explain.

Billy Corgan talks to Howard Stern about his reptilian shapeshifting story. Youtube will place a wikipedia disclaimer below this video saying reptilian's are a conspiracy theory. Why in the heck do they feel the need to have such a strange disclaimer?

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