Geoengineering in South Carolina

2 years ago

Filmed on September 7th, 2022

On this occasion it appeared to me that the geoengineers were "moving" a massive cloud bank. I've seen it before but never on this scale. This was phenomenal. You would have thought we were going to get a torrential downpour, right? We didn't get a drop that night. It was even darker nearer to our home on the other side of town when I was driving home. Those are still photos I'll put in another photo compilation video. I apologize for my abysmal video skills!

You can clearly see where planes have flown very low and in between the 2 layers. It looks as though they started their release of whatever chemicals it is they're spraying at a certain point behind a cloud formation on the left. One trail extends beyond the other two, making 3 distinct chemtrails that were placed above what I've come to call, "dirty clouds."

I've witnessed many instances of free floating dirty clouds as well as what appears to be a "cushion" of dirty clouds that have "hooked up" together (separate video) and somehow mold themselves to the shape of the cloud they come to rest under and then the two move as one. The dirty clouds float at the bottom of the clouds.

I would have never have expected to witness a display this blatant and that's on a scale, that to me, is unimaginable. But, you're looking at exactly what me and a neighbor friend witnessed that day.

If you have a better explanation and one that accounts for the multitude of photos I've taken since spring, I'm open to entertain any.

One more point I need to mention is that the chemicals they use many times smell metalic. It's bad. You know right away it can't be good for you. Whatever it was they used in the chemtrails those days made the hair on my arms stand up and I was continually rubbing them. Very disconcerting. I'll try to get some still photos made into another video of different examples of what they create on many different days.

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