Unrequited by Darmin De'flern 80s Electronic Punk/Electronic Rock, Ballad, Devo, Tying Tiffany.

1 year ago

Lyrics, Production, Written and Performed by
Darmin De'flern
Videos by Various artists from www.pexels.com
Special thanks to Cottonbro for his videos from www.pexels.com
Video edited, titles and subtitles by Darmin De'flern

The final version of this song is much paired down to what it was. It had allot more hard core trance and synth instrumentation. However when i increased the volume of the guitar up in the mix I decided to eliminate almost all the synth elements and concentrate on the muted chords/bass and drums. The outro of the song contains what the song could have sounded like.

The very final lines of the fourth verse changed the direction of the song and suggested the title of the song to me. It was not planned but as often happens when I am writing or playing creatively the music / lyrics veer's off in unexpected directions.

Equipment used:

MPC Live 2
Sennheiser e835s Mic

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