Feeling comfortable with not knowing | amihai.substack.com | Art of Now
We see that the known, the content of our consciousness,
Prevents direct perception, of what is, of the now,
And acts as a barrier that tries to translate, explain, that which is seen, that which is Now.
But how do we see it? Do we see directly?
Is this fact alive in our perception?
As our perception?
Or do we see it as knowledge, and hang onto it, pretending that we see something that we actually run away from?
Can you feel comfortable with not knowing?
Can you invite not knowing, to your daily life, by not running away from it,
by not resisting it ?
Do you see that any knowledge Can be controlled, yet no one ever could, or ever would be able to control the unknown?
And how do you see that, if you do? Do you see it without knowing?
Or do you see it as knowledge?
It goes on and on, and you are left with the pointing, which is a question -
Can you feel comfortable with not knowing?
Art of Now
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2 years agoNow is not in time | amihai.substack.com | Art of Now
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2 years agoNon participating observation | amihai.substack.com | Art of Now