Process restructuring and continuous improvement

1 year ago

and basic principles of process restructuring
KBSI's BPR implementation framework 2) Multi-layer BPR

implementation framework 4. Steps for BPR implementation 1)

Initiation of BPR project 2) Development of change plan 3)

Establishment of project team 4) Analysis of target processes 5)

Redesign of target processes 6) Implementation of new design 7)

Continuous improvement 8) Restart Chapter 22 Knowledge Management

22.1 Knowledge Management Overview Explicit knowledge

(Know-What, Know-Why) and tacit knowledge (Know-How, Know-Who)
Functions of Knowledge Management: Externalisation: acquiring

knowledge from outside and organising it according to certain

classifications Internalisation: refers to the transfer of

knowledge and extracting knowledge from outside Mediation: finding

the best source of knowledge Cognition: the following three

functions acquire knowledge to be applied Concepts and

connotations of Knowledge Management: 1) Knowledge management

refers to the process of creating, acquiring and using knowledge

in order to enhance organisational performance.

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