Hurricane Ian. Ryan Reynolds 666 obsession? Mabon's morons. The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors.

1 year ago

Wales/Welsh/Dragon rising. Be bold. Stop the infighting. The restrainer is recruiting watchmen for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why is King Charles and Welsh witchcraft, paganism and worship of this false god Mabon going on? It's it coming out of nowhere? No. It's because while Satan entertains us nobody's watching.

Wake up sleepy-head luke warm christians...and wake up soon. Jesus is coming, and Satan's (Mabon morons... lets call them MABONS) puppets are busy globally casting spells, because THEY know what's about to happen. And Ryan Reynolds TOTALLY ISNT only constantly on about 666 and devil worship. Its all just one gigantic series of easter eggs culminating in an awesome joke only the woke could understand.

Luke warm Laodicean christians better wake up, and wake up FAST, because Satan's doof woke hordes are all awake, and busy creating snares for you. Be ready. Accept Jesus Christs gift before it's too late.

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