Rothschild OSS CIA did Pearl Harbor attack. Order 666: Satanists do not believe Satan will kill them

1 year ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (September 2022). The reason why the Satanists and the witches do not believe that Satan Lucifer is going to exterminate them is because they are demon-possessed by Satan Lucifer. They think they control the fallen angel devils (whom they call generals) and their demon minions, but in reality, these Satanists and witches are just empty shell mouthpiece puppet vessels of Satan Lucifer to carry out his intended devious purposes. Once he is finished using them, he will exterminate them as useless eaters that is taking up space, just as Satan Lucifer told the Satanist top leader matriarchal ruler of earth “Mothers of Darkness – Crone” Jessie Czebotar. These followers of the agenda or Luciferian rebellion are blinded by wealth and power and fame and esoteric occult knowledge and promises of future positions in the kingdom of the devil. I have heard intel that the Pearl Harbor attack was carried out by Illuminati Satanist Harvard university educated CIA Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto under orders from the Western feminist nations’ Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar Rothschild family and Rockefeller family and earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers and Farnese family Pentagon global Satanist military, against the will of the Japanese military leaders, in order to place Asia under the Rothschild and black nobility families and their Satanist CIA Chinese communist party, and to set up their Illuminati Satanist NWO United Nations after World War 2, which Carolyn Hamlett said was planned eons before because her mother created the United Nations. Satan Lucifer and the Illuminati Shambhala ascended masters “fake aliens” fallen angel start all the wars for their satanic agenda. As a result, before the war, the Rothschild and Rockefeller and Western Satanist genocidal psychopathic world elites were common knowledge in Japan and well discussed and taught, but after World War 2, all such information was scrubbed and erased and censored and hidden and burned and killed, so that the post-war Japanese have become totally ignorant as to the real truth of the evil running the world. It was a total brainwash program by the Rothschild family and black nobility families’ General MacArthur’s GHQ military occupiers and reeducation camp personnel. If this is true, it was taught that General Tojo and the imperial army were the instigators of the Pearl Harbor attack against Admiral Yamamoto’s advice to not go to war, but instead, it would have made Admiral Yamamoto and President Franklin Roosevelt and the Rothschild family and their Draco bosses the culprit for the depopulation extermination of millions of human specie people and war crimes and not those who were blamed later for the war by the Westerners. It would flip history around completely. I know that the Japanese have an old saying, “History is written by the victors, and if you win you become the good forces, and if you lose you become the bad forces.” This may be true. As one American researcher said in her video, history needs to be completely revised concerning Pearl Harbor and World War 2 and its Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar instigators of war President Roosevelt and Admiral Yamamoto and Rothschild family and their black nobility bosses. I am aware that all these Illuminati Freemason Korean-ancestry Satanist Draco avatar big companies’ executives and managers and professors and millionaires in Japan are recruited into the CIA Satanist secret societies while they are studying in Western universities and placed into top strategic positions when they return to Japan.

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