Who am I ? | amihai.Substack.com | Art of Now

2 years ago


A human being may ask himself,

Or herself, fundamental questions.

Who he is?

What he is?

What is life?

Inevitably, such human being,

Will come upon ideas, made by others,

That supposed to give an answer,

To those questions:

'You are that’, ‘You aren’t this’, ‘Life is so’,

And so on.

Some ideas, he may reject,

And others he may accept,

Partially or fully.

On top of those ideas,

He may add his own ideas,

And altogether this pool of ideas,

Will form the knowledge, that will start -

To cover, to hinder, to block,

The light that came from those honest questions.

Not many people will go and inquire,

Into the self, into the core of their life.

But from those who will, the majority will stop,

When that knowledge will start to form,

And presents itself as truth.

It will be repeated in the mind,

Modified constantly, proven through experiences,

And there will be no remain to -

The original pure question.

Rarely, a human being that got so far,

Will realize, that all ideas,

All knowledge within himself –

Is fake!

Is untrue!

That human being may meet the pointer -

“Be a light to yourself”,

In an entirely different way than other people.

To him, that sentence will be -

The end of knowledge,

The total acceptance of the question as true.

'Who am I ?’ , will come to be.

Not as knowledge, but as a question.

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