TG / Masno: "Liman will hold" (30-09-22)

1 year ago

First, Krasny Liman will hold. It is currently the only impediment in the path of the Ukrainian drive to Svatovo—the centre of all the logistics that support north LPR and the Oskol defensive line. The fact is Ukraine is literally throwing everything it can muster from everywhere it can find it. That is why it is so tough. However, efforts like these are not limitless. If they do not succeed, the reversal of fortunes will be monumental.

The fact that Ukraine has turned its attention to Krasny Liman instead of driving straight for Svatovo is already a significant success on the part of Liman’s defenders. Means Ukraine is at the limit of what it can put forth. Means that Ukraine has decided to take “at least something,” rather than the Svatovo prize. Means it can’t progress to Svatovo without taking out Liman. Means that the turn of the tide is close at hand.

Tonight and tomorrow will be the toughest yet for Liman defenders. Pray for them, praise them, they are the heroes that will win this war for Russia.

Second, the next person not to follow what the admins ask you to do in the chat, the next one to “doom-erang” and abuse the admins’ hospitality and care will simply get banned without any reprieve. I will personally make sure of that. You’ve been warned.

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