Can the ‘I’ be attentive to itself? | | Art of Now

2 years ago

“I watch myself”

If you say that, what do you mean?

I ; that is, that which you Are, watch.

Not by the eyes, or through a mirror, obviously,

But, give attention to;

Myself ; that which I am

That which I am, gives attention, to that which I am

What does it mean, “give attention”?

What does it mean to watch, to observe?

I ; am, attentive to “I”

Is that so?

Are you attentive to yourself ?

Or, are you looking at your image, at your knowledge, preferences,

Through some method of observation, with some expectations?

“I watch myself”

That which I am, attends, that which I am.

Is attention a glue, a bridge, an interface?

Something that you control, direct, use?

Or is attention free of any touch of man?

Any shape of mind, any knowledge, any direction, any control?

That which I am ; That which I am ; Attention

Is it so?

Now meditate, find out, look

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