How to Utilize Powerful Moon Energy! #spirituality

1 year ago

I don’t normally talk about full moons but this one is extra powerful.

All my talk of letting go and then releasing my origin story of my own negative doings has been leading up to this.

The earth is shaking us hard people and negative behaviours are going to come bursting forward.

We usually try to put on the mask of sanity and society but that is going to be a harder one to hold onto.

Full moons are normally a time for turbulence but I’ve never felt one like this. It’s going to be huge.

A full moon is always the climax of a given moon cycle. This one is about shedding the false skin. Shedding negativity.

It can and will and has caused more negativity to surface because of this. It hasn’t created it, it’s just bringing it up.

After the full moon, the effects should fade away. As the moon shrinks back down to nothing. Once it disappears the next moon is the new moon. Here is where you want to set your intentions where it will come to a head on the full moon.

So even if you didn’t make an intention on the last new moon you can still get in on the powerful full moon energy.

I would recommend using it for some type of letting go as that is what it wants and is going to do anyways.

From the 11th on as it shrinks away, you can use it as a chance to let stuff go. While the moon is in a shrinking phase it’s a prime time to let things go.

From the new moon to full moon in the building phase is when you want to add to your life.

Letting go though is actually always a chance for adding though. It’s a vital thing we need to do.

We are in a new age and there is a lot of baggage clinging on from the old one.

Lots of lies and anger and status quo things that need to go.

No longer should we feel obligated to traditions. We live in a world of truth and we should live out truths not our traditions.

It’s a time of freedom and learning.

#fullmoon #spirituality #youtube

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