12th Sept 2022 - Why I do not like what CyclingMikey on YouTube does

1 year ago

Why I do not like what CyclingMikey on YouTube does

I cycle as well as drive. I try not to be one of those jerk cyclists who smugly cycle in the middle of the road holding up traffic. If I find people cannot get past, I pull over.

Now back to why I do not like what CyclingMikey does.

Before I start I believe his farther died by being run over on his bike by a car. To this I have sympathy for CyclingMikey. But this does not excuse his behaviour.

I have watched many of his vids, and not convinced it will save many cyclists (if any) from bad drivers.

By the way a few months a white BMW hit me at a roundabout, then drove off (I did not get her details). So I am not aware of the dangers of cars.

One thing, I have cycled in London where I believe he shoots his vids, and drivers seem better in London to cyclists than most places.

But to me his vids on YouTube seem more about reactions of people. It feels like the aim is to get car drivers angry for views on YouTube. And those who watch, to me are like watching people being hung years ago,

It is one thing to report people to the police if you see they do a crime, but it feels to me wrong, when he sits hiding, then pops out when people go in the wrong lane (presumably by accident).

He states he send the info to the police and it seems like the drivers get HUGE fines for often one suspects a mistake.

But then on a lot of his vids he tells people, go look at my channel, and gives out his channel name of CyclingMikey. In my opinion, he is just after fame. In truth I do not know if his YouTube channel is monetarised or not. If it is, looking at his views, presumably he would earn a lot of money if it is.

One problem for me, is that I suspect the result of what he does, is to make drivers hate cyclists, and to me that is not helpful.

As someone stated too, that he does not seem to show cyclists doing wrong (such as running lights), only drivers.

But as I say, I find it often uncomfortable to view, seeing someone upset, because they made a mistake, and have this recorded as entertainment for self righteous left wing people get pleasure from seeing someone suffer, while at the same time pretending they are nice kind people.

Personally I would not do this in London, as one day he will jump in front of a drug dealer, who will shoot him and drive off.


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