12th Sept 2022 - A reply to: CyclingMikey catches drivers breaking the law (a reply left to me)

2 years ago

A reply to: CyclingMikey catches drivers breaking the law (a reply left to me)


I thank you for your reply.

I have stated that I was aware that his dad had been killed by a car. In fact a few months ago a white BMW ran into me then drove off. However, this does not excuse what he does.

You talk about people using phones while not moving. While my understanding this is against the law, it clearly is not dangerous as the car is not moving. Indeed, one wonders how many people have been run over by a car while the driver is stopped (not moving). One suspects very few if any.

It is one thing for someone to use a phone while driving as it is very difficult to drive and use a phone. But not moving to me is irrelevant. If you want to report people for such crimes. Fine, however why make it also entertainment for people to see people upset or get angry.

Indeed, to me this is like enjoying seeing criminals being hung. It simply is not comfortable to view. It is unlikely to prevent people using phones. And why does he not include people on bikes who do wrong? And yes a cyclist can hurt or kill someone if they run into a person. It feels to me, in my opinion, this is now more about his fame than road safety. With people getting pleaser from seeing others suffer from getting fines and being made to look bad on camera, and possibly loosing jobs.

One other silly law that I think needs to change is that of being a crime to be asleep in the back of your car. One suspects that because you can be arrested, people instead may drive home instead (drunk).

Original vid: https://youtu.be/q_wapWISkiQ

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