Why Vibrant Speaking?

1 year ago

What inspired you to become a vibrant speaker coach for entrepreneurs?
Well, it's an interesting little story. First of all, I've just been a vibrant speaker coach, since January. It's a really recent, I'm gonna say, career move. I have been working with entrepreneurs since 2006 and teaching
them how to manifest clients. I launched the manifesting client's academy in 2017, so I've been working for a while with entrepreneurs around growing your business and manifesting clients. And boy, was I surprised in December of 2021, just this past December when I got a download that basically made me realize that with my experience as a dance movement therapist, and my experience as a speaker that I could provide training
for women entrepreneurs to break free from the conditioning they had growing up or in corporate America that stifled their full expression.
Here's what happened, Dotty. Over the last few years, we've been on Zoom calls. You've been on a lot of Zoom calls. We've all been on a lot of Zoom calls. A ton of Zoom calls. I would sit here and watch especially the women entrepreneurs. I've seen men, but I just don't have as much passion for working with men as I do for working with women. I just feel like we matter and I want us to step up, to speak up, to share what we're here to do. I would watch women entrepreneurs speak at summits, speak at networking events, and some of them would speak in a monotone voice. Some of them would not use gestures of any kind. They were all a lot of people who were really nice and polite and just really nice. And I would just hurt. It would hurt my heart to see this because I know there's more to all of us that there's more expression, there's more vibrancy, and
when I see that and when any of us see a speaker who uses her entire being and we're gonna talk about that nonverbal communication skills.
When a speaker does that, they're more interesting. If they have good content, yeah, they are. If they have good content, wow, they're powerful speakers. So those women who were not yet using what's inside of them
that's available when I see that my heart hurts. So in December, when I got this download and realized that from my past experience as a dance movement therapist. I have the knowledge and I have the skills to provide training that people can use to be authentically vibrant. I created a program. I call it to speak with your body. And I said, alright, folks.
Is anybody willing to try this? And I got a few people to try it at a low cost because I had no idea if it would work. I wasn't ready to call myself a vibrant speaker coach, but some people said yes because they'd already worked with me and they know, well, I wanna say they know I'm wonderful.
I saw wonderful, Kathryn. Thank you, Dotty. I've learned that this actually works and I love to see people become aware of the ways in which they've held themselves back and that they don't have to anymore. When I see them step up and speak out in more vibrant, expressive ways. It makes my heart sing.

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